If you still haven’t t tried the dulce de leche recipe, I will tell you that many American companies in NYC have done it already. Dunkin’ Donuts launched a dulce de leche donut, Goya is commercializing Dulce Leche Goya Cookie Wafer, the famous ice cream brand “Haagen-Dazs” also sells their …
Displaying All Posts Published in 2010
Inicio de viaje: Argentina Proyecto revolucionario #1: Hacer dulce de leche casero y sin conservantes Siempre considere que el mayor invento del siglo XIX despues del avión era por lejos el dulce de leche. Por eso es que le dedico mi primer post. En Latinoamérica es llamado de distintas maneras: En Argentina, …
One of my many dreams is to travel around Latin America. From south to north or north to south, it doesn’t matter. Go to places and experience tastes, customs and cultures, talking to people, their stories and their secrets (culinary and the others) Looking back, in fact six years ago …