Buenos Aires Restaurant
By Uchi on in Restaurants in NYC with No Comments
Revolution No. 5: To mention one restaurant that make a good impression of our argentinean food.
Village is one of my favorite neighborhoods in Manhattan.
It’s truly a very cool area and it is nice to visit both day and nightime
because his charm is different (tip: begin the trip at dawn, by visiting Tompson Square Park – unbelievable experience).
The neighborhood is characterized as having tiny apartments,
affordable ethnic restaurants, and bars of all kinds. You
can find countless piercings and tattoos if you pay attention to the people
around. It’s full of alternative students, musicians, artists, homeless, punks etc – a true oasis where diversity reins.
This is where Ismael has opened his restaurant called Buenos Aires.
I must confess I’m pretty regular at this place and, to make this
blog entry, I’m just using my memory for having been there so many times.
The food is authentic and you’re eating a Argentinean steak as if you were in Buenos Aires.
Attention is super warm. In this place everyone makes you feel part of the family. You should not be surprised if the owner sits at your table and/or if the waiter talks to you as if you were a friend.
It is a place where everyone is kind and, although usually crowded, the service remains efficient and friendly.
The provoleta is sensational, rich empanadas, the parrilla is
very delicious, the dulce de leche pancake is very good, comparable to the Flan. Another pearl: the wine list is broad and covers prices for all budgets.
Its decor is classic. It has some pictures and argentinean details plus 24/7 Live Soccer (girls: if going with boyfriends/husbands/lovers, sit facing the TV. Otherwise, it will be as if you are eating by yourself !!!). I do not think, though, that those are the key to its success. I think that people return because they find authentic and good food at a reasonable price. The price per person is approximately 30 USD to 35 USD.
Last but not lest, In Buenos Aires kids are welcome. A rare commodity in Manhattan restaurants.
Buenos Aires Restaurant
513 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10009
(212) 228-2775
“All content appearing on Latin Food Lovers, including, but not limited to text, copy, graphics, video, and images is the exclusive property of Luciana Davidzon and may not be used or reproduced in any way without express written permission”
“All content appearing on Latin Food Lovers, including, but not limited to text, copy, graphics, video, and images is the exclusive property of Luciana Davidzon and may not be used or reproduced in any way without express written permission”
Revolución número 5: Mencionar un restaurante argentino que nos hace quedar bien cuando queremos mostrar nuestra comida típica.
Buenos Aires restaurante esta ubicado en el barrio East Village. El East Village es uno de mis barrios preferidos de Manhattan. Tiene mucha onda y es lindo pasearlo tanto de dia como de noche (tip: comenzar la visita con el atardecer en el Tompkins Square Park – imperdible).
Este barrio se caracteriza por tener departamentos diminutos, restaurantes de precios accesibles y de diferentes etnias, y bares de todo tipo . Se pueden encontrar infinitos piercings y tattoos si uno mira a la gente que esta a su alrededor. La gente: estudiantes alternativos, músicos, artistas, homeless, punks, etc – un oasis donde reina la diversidad tanto en nacionalidad como en edad.
Aquí es donde Ismael ha abierto su restaurante llamado Buenos Aires. Confieso que soy bastante habitué de este lugar y que para hacer este entry en mi blog solo use mis recuerdos por haber estado muchas veces.
La comida es auténtica y si buscas comer un bife argentino, aquí podes disfrutarlo al igual que si lo estuvieras haciendo en Buenos Aires.
La atención es super cálida. Todos te hacen sentir parte de la familia. No deberías asombrarte si el dueño se sienta en tu mesa y/o si el mozo te charla como si fueras un amigo. Es un lugar donde todos son amables y que a pesar de que por lo general este lleno de gente, el servicio sigue siendo eficiente y amigable.
La provoleta es sensacional , las empanadas muy ricas, la parrilla es muy sabrosa, el panqueque de dulce de leche es muy bueno, comparable con el flan. Otra perla: la muy buena lista de vinos.
Su decoración es clásica. Posee algunas cuadros y detalles de la Argentina, además de transmitir fútbol en forma ininterrumpida (chicas: de ir con novios/maridos/amantes, sientense de frente a la TV. De lo contrario sera como ir a comer solas!!!) . No creo igualmente que sea esa la clave de su éxito. Creo que la gente vuelve por que aquí encuentra autentica y rica comida.
El precio aproximado por persona es de 30 USD y 35 USD.
Aquí son bienvenido con niños, es necesario aclararlo porque no es algo muy común en los restaurantes de Manhattan.
Buenos Aires Restaurant
513 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10009
(212) 228-2775
“All content appearing on Latin Food Lovers, including, but not limited to text, copy, graphics, video, and images is the exclusive property of Luciana Davidzon and may not be used or reproduced in any way without express written permission.

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