Spicy Tomato Soup (Sopa de Tomates)
By Uchi on in Savory Recipes with No Comments
This tomato soup is a delicious way to start a meal. Light, healthy, and spicy, it’s got a Latin kick you can’t resist.
I love homemade soups. Though pragmatists argue for picking up organic, canned soups (and those are a great options), sometimes it’s worth it to prepare your own. First, while there are low sodium, high quality soups on the market, making your own is the only way to know exactly what ingredients went into the pot and what precisely you’re feeding your family. Secondly, making your own soup offers the opportunity to tailor it to your tastes and it’s a great way to have your kids try new foods. (Though I personally have not reached this goal, I won’t give up!) Finally, let’s face it; homemade soups just taste better.
This tomato soup is a classic that cannot be missed in your weekly recipe arsenal. I’ve added a few spicy notes — like crushed red pepper and jalapeno — to give it more power and a Latin touch. Always a hit, I make plenty so that have leftovers for the following day. The concentrated taste is fantastic and soup kept in an airtight container in the fridge will taste fresh for days. Reheat it when you need it and enjoy.

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