Quinoa Veggie Burgers (Hamburguesas de Quinoa y Vegetales )

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Quinoa Veggie Burgers (Hamburguesas de Quinoa y Vegetales )

Looking for a healthy every day dish to add to your repertoire? These burgers are it. My priority is that my family eats ashealthy as possible during the week and though that’s sometimes difficult, especially with small children, I try to include new and flavorful veggie dishes to set the example. Ideally, children should be able to eat all kinds of foods, including tons of different fruits and veggies.

Let’s start with quinoa.

Introduced thousands of years ago and thought to be a sacred food by the Incas, this nutritious ingredient is high in protein, vitamins and minerals. That means that you get a huge healthy boost from a tiny grain. And these burgers pack in plenty of flavor. Hearty enough for either lunch or dinner, versatile enough as a complete meal or an appetizer (make them minis!), good hot or cold, they’re an ideal meal-time staple.

Delicious straight from the pan, here I’ve paired them with a fun avocado mayo. For a richer flavor, I added in wintry squash, starchy potatoes, carrots, leeks, garlic, and red onion. And for a kick, I added a pinch of chili powder (usually chili, cumin, oregano, and garlic powder) and diced jalapeño pepper. If you’re not a fan of spicy foods (or if you are), try making your own chili powder blend, right just for you, and store it in a mason jar for your next quinoa burgers.

1/2 cup Quinoa
1 cup chicken stock
1 cup of a mix of leeks, onions, carrots, squash, potatoes
2 cloves garlic, chopped
2 eggs
2/3 cup breadcrumbs
* Salt and pepper, to taste
* chile powder, to taste
*jalapeño peppers, diced
* olive oil, to taste
Avocado Mayonnaise
1 avocado
9 ounces
Olive Oil
1 ounce white wine vinegar
1 lime, juiced
2 egg yolks
* cilantro and chives, to taste
* jalapeño pepper, to taste
* dry mustard, to taste
* Salt and pepper, to taste
 1) Bring chicken stock and quinoa to boil and cook until the liquid disappears, about 15 minutes.
 2) Slice the leeks and red onion. Grate the carrot, squash and potato.
 3) Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a skillet. Add the leek, onions, carrot, squash and potato.
4) Reduce the heat to medium and cook until tender.
5) Add the chopped garlic and cook for 2 minutes.
6) In a large bowl, mix together the cooked veggies, quinoa, eggs and breadcrumbs.
7) Season with salt and fresh pepper, chili powder (to taste) and jalapeño peppers (to taste).
8) Heat olive oil in a skillet. Form quinoa and veggie mixture into burger patties and cook until lightly brown on both sides.
9) For the avocado mayonnaise: In a large bowl, mix vinegar, lime juice and yolks.
10) Heat the mixture for 1 minute at bain marie to a temperature of 150°F.
11) Add the avocado pulp. Mix together until mixture is homogenous. Add the olive oil slowly and emulsify.
12) Season to taste with chopped cilantro, chives, jalapeño pepper, salt and pepper, and dry mustard.
13) Spread avocado mayoinaise on burgers. Serve.
En Español



½ taza de quinoa

1 taza de caldo de pollo  (fondo de ave)

1 taza con cebolla, puerro, zanahoria ,calabaza y papa

2 dientes de ajo

2 huevos

2/3 de taza de pan rallado

sal y pimiento


Ají jalapeño, ají molido o chile en polvo (a  gusto)

Aceite de oliva

Mayonesa de aguacate (palta)

1 aguacate (palta)

250 ml de aceite de oliva

25 ml de vinagre de vino blanco

Jugo exprimido de 1 lima

2 yemas de huevo

Cilantro (a gusto)

Cebollín (a gusto)

Ají jalapeño (a gusto)

Mostaza en polvo (a gusto)

Sal y pimiento (a gusto)



1. Coloca el caldo (fondo de ave) junto a la quinoa en una ollita hasta que

comience a hervir. Disminuye el fuego a medio y cocínalo hasta que el liquido desaparezca (aproximadamente 15 minutos).

2. Corta la cebolla y el puerro en brunoise y cocínalos en una sartén con aceite de

oliva durante unos minutos (o hasta que la cebolla comienza a estar transparente)

3. Ralla la zanahoria, la calabaza y la papa y agrégalo en la sartén  durante unos minutos

4. Agrega el ajo picado e incorpóralo en la sartén durante 2 minutos

5. Mezcla los vegetales y la quinoa en un bol

6. Agrega los huevos y el pan rallado

7. Añade sal y pimienta. Si te gustan los sabores picantitos agrégale polvo de chile y ají jalapeño

8. Arma pequeñas bolitas y cocínalas con aceite de oliva en una sartén hasta alcanzar un color amarronado por los dos lados o colócalos en una asadera con un poquito de aceite y llévalos al horno caliente , 200° a 220° / 400° a 425°

Mayonesa de Avocado

1. Coloca en un bol el vinagre, el jugo de lima y las yemas.

2. Calienta la mezcla durante 1 minuto a baño maría hasta alcanzar una temperatura de 70° C /150° F

3. Agrega la pulpa del avocado y mezcla hasta alcanzar una consistencia homogénea

4. Agrega el aceite de oliva lentamente y bate hasta que emulsione

5. Añade sal , pimienta , cilantro, mostaza, cebollín y ají jalapeño picado

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