Poniéndome al día con mi blog/ Catching up with my blog
By Uchi on in News with 15 Comments
Have you read my travel itinerary? If you havent yet, I would suggest you to visit my first post. Which restaurant do you want LFL to visit next?
I must confess I don’t know whether to stay in Peru a Little longer (actually I love Peruvian food) or to continue to my next destination.
Actually, this blog was originally meant to be a fun trip. However, some opportunities have also presented along the way, which I have shared with you. Today, LFL is a mixture of recipes, news and restaurant visits/reviews.
Without even realizing it, freelance writing has taken up a large part of my time.
No complaints at all; I enjoy it very much and I feel that every time I write I am facing a new challenge
For those of you who are not familiar with my journey so far, by the time I started writing LFL I also got the chance to start contibuting for about.com en español (as an expert in desserts). I was then contacted by The Huffington Post, VOXXI and a new Latin site to be launched in August.
Sometimes I wonder if you get confused by reading my posts and recipes in so many different places.
Let me know your thoughts!
Thanks for your feedback and for joining me on this adventure!
Has leído mi itinerario de viaje? Si no lo has hecho aún, no dejes de visitar mi post inicial. Que restaurant quisieras que LFL visite?
No se si quedarme en Perú por un tiempo más (la comida Peruana es super deliciosa) o seguir hacia mi próximo destino.
En realidad este blog comenzó como un divertido viaje. Sin embargo,han surgido algunas oportunidades en el camino las cuales he ido compartiendo con ustedes. LFL es hoy es una mezcla de recetas, novedades y visitas a restaurantes.
Sin siquiera notarlo, escribir freelance ha ido ocupando gran parte de mi tiempo.
No me quejo en absoluto; me divierte y siento que cada vez que escribo tengo enfrente un nuevo desafío y una nueva oportunidad.
Para quienes no conocen mi recorrido hasta el momento, les cuento que al tiempo que comenzaba a escribir LFL también se me presento la oportunidad de escribir para About.com en español (como experta en postres). Luego me contactaron del Huffington Post , de VOXXI y, a partir de Agosto, también podrán ver mis recetas en un sitio latino que se está lanzando.
A veces me pregunto si es confuso leerme en diferentes lugares.
Déjame saber qué piensas!
Gracias por tu feedback y por acompañarme en esta aventura!

Uchi te felicito por tus intervenciones como escritora freelance. Es verdad, toma bastante tiempo hacerlo, pero es una oportunidad única de exponer y expresarse sobre lo que a uno le apasiona. Hay que aprovechar la oportunidad y vivirla.
Muchos les gustará leerte en tu blog, otros en About y el resto en los demas lugares. No te faltaran fans en diversas comunidades.
Sounds like an amazing journey you have been having! Keep up the excellent work!
How exciting! It is so great that when we are open to them, the opportunities begin to appear. Enjoy the journey, Uchi!
Uchi, I’ve been reading you in both English and Spanish for more than a year and it doesn’t bother me at all that I find your writing all over the place 😉 Actually, it’s been exciting to see you grow as a writer and contribute to more sites. But, if I could make a suggestion: for anyone who is new to your site or would like to read more of your work, maybe you can add something in your sidebar or a page in your navigation that has links to all the places you currently contribute to so that it’s easy to find all your work!
Thank you all so much for your input !! Many thanksssssss!
Maura, I loved your suggestion!
This is all so fantastic! Connecting with you in Miami was fantastic and seeing/hearing these developments is wonderful. so happy for you. You’ve been able to accomplish a lot in the short amount of time you’ve been blogging! So good!
Te felicito!!! No creo que sea confuso, conquistas más lectores por diferentes medios 😉
Congratulations Uchi! A blog opens up the doors to many opportunities. Congratulations on all your recent accolades. Wishing you continued success.
How exciting! It doesn’t bother me at all I agree with Maura, this journey really shows just how much you grow and learn it’s nice to see another amiga succeeding. Keep up the great work Amiga! Abrazos!!!
Uchi, que maravilla que puedes ser flexible a todo lo que se te va dando, por eso te seguirán llegando puras cosas buenas y maravillosas.
La sugerencia de Maura es excelente. Quizás también puedes crear un día a la semana — que sea siempre el mismo — donde compartes todos los links a artîculos que has publicado en otros sitios. Así nos mantienes al tanto, ya lo esperamos, mandas tráfico a tus otras páginas.
Love your contributions to about.about.com but didnt know about the others. I must check those out. Congratulations and good luck in all you do Uchi! Your fan, Rachel
I love seeing your recipes everywhere. Especially after I had the opportunity to meet you in person and realize you were not only super talented on paper, but a complete DOLL in person with a super cool style! Cheers! I hope to continue following your journey.
Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to share you thoughts with me. I super appreciate you feedback 🙂
No Uchi, we don’t get confused. We love them! 🙂
PS: We don’t blame you for wanting to stay in Peru a little longer either. What’s been your favorite dish/ restaurant there?
Fantastic! Mensagem Nice, sind meine Blog número 1!
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